
Ease into Flexibility


Ease into Flexibility


Often, we see these amazing fluid movements on the mat from yoga practitioners. This relates to a certain degree on how flexible we are. Flexibility is something were I also needed to work on and I combine it as well with strength. I strongly believe that only if both flexibility and strength are in balance, we can achieve the best results within our practice for ourselves.

Ease into flexibility is a modern approach to a traditional yin class.

Joints, tissues and organs in our body benefit from regular exercise. At the same time, different types of tissue need different types of movement. Likewise, our fascia needs different types of movement because we never just stretch the fascia. These are structurally connected to muscles and nerves in so-called myofascial chains.

You can divide stretching in different types in this class we mainly focus on plasticity and slow plasticity and from time to time I integrate slide bounce movements.

We benefit from the greater range of motion by static stretching with holds around 20-40 seconds. We never hold a stretch longer than 1min. to fully ease into it.

Come and join me for this series and be open to experience the benefit of “feeling comfortable in the uncomfortable”.

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